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A 501(c3) Charitable organization. All donations are tax deductable
EIN 45-3690033
Saving Special Needs & Medical Animals
(All Dogs are Adopted or in Hospice Care)
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Nori Access Estimate

RIP 3/29/2020
Meet Nori, 9 week old 3 lbs Maltipoo rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. Nori has a genetic defect called Atrasia Ani also called Rectovaginal Fistula. Her rectum is closed. There is an opening between her colon and vagina which releases her fecal matter thru her vagina. Nori needs life saving surgery. She must be 5 lbs. Nori met with Dr Yonathon Buks, surgeon who specializes in this case at Access.



Kobe Cornea Surgery Estimate

Meet Kobe is a darling 7-8 year old 4 lbs Maltese with a lot of medical issues. Kobe was rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter with a large bladder stone. He had to have emergency cystotomy surgery, with 2 small masses removed and his teeth scaled. Kobe has an untreated ulcer that eventually needs to be repaired. HE MUST BE ON A SPECIAL DIET OF LOW CALCIUM OXIATE.

Doodle Bear

Doodle Bear

Doodle Bear Fundraiser

Doodle Bear
Meet Doodle Bear, 14 week old 20 lbs Golden Doodle puppy, rescued from Pasadena Humane Society. His owner bought him from a breeder. After a week, they brought him to the vet and found out that he has a severe heart condition. The shelter gave the puppy til the end of the day as they could not care for him. Doodle Bear was taken to the cardiologist at VSEC which confirmed the puppy needed a PDA surgery. The Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) surgery is $5000. Doodle Bear is healthy and healing after his PDA Hear Surgery.



Fitzgerald's mummy arm

Meet Puppy Fitzgerald rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. The puppy was found in a park when he was about 3-4 days old. Fitzgerald had a black leg that fell off after a couple of days. Fitz is a tripod puppy. Fitzgerald will get his leg remained cleaned up when he is neutered.
Fitz playing on FB.



Gigi mammary mass removal

Meet Gigi, 6-7 year old 4.5 lbs Maltese Poodle mix rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. Gigi is recovering from Kennel Cough. She has a small mammary mass the needs to be removed. Gigi had an abscess in her mouth which disappeared after receiving antibiotics.



Elliot Xray

Meet Puppy Elliot, 10 week old Havanese/ Poodle mix about 3 lbs, rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. Elliot fell from a 4 story balcony. He was treated at VCA vet hospital then surrendered to the shelter. Elliot had pulmonary contusions. He continued his oxygen therapy at this foster home. Later Elliot was treated for severe diarrhea. Elliot is healthy and ready for his new home.



Calvin Xray

Meet Calvin, 1 year old 7 lbs Maltipoo, rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. Calvin was owner surrendered because his family could not afford his ortho surgery. Calvin was rushed to fix his broken right from leg. Calvin is playful. He climbed out of this pen area and needed to be crated to continue his medical care.

Puppy Shelby

Puppy Shelby

Puppy Shelby
Meet Shelby, 5 months old 6 lbs Female Terrier puppy, rescued from South Los Angeles Chesterfield Shelter. Animal control caught her. She is terrified and biting. Shelby is being treated for mange. She is fearful as we think she was abused. Shelby has a cherry eye that will be repaired when she is spayed.

Puppy Levi

Puppy Levi

Puppy Levi

Puppy Levi
Meet Puppy Levi, 4.5 month old 10 lbs Poodle puppy that came into the shelter with severe Chemical burns. The shelter shaved the burned area and gave him an injection of Covenia. Levi is healed from his severe chemical burns. He is playful and happy. Puppy Levi needs to be neutered. His adoption include his medical care, neuter, microchip and vaccinations.

Sydney MD

Sydney MD


Sydney MD
Meet Puppy Sydney MD, 4 months 7.5 lbs Cream Male Poodle Puppy rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. The breeder surrendered the puppies as sick with Parvo. The puppies were not sick with Parvo. They were positive for Coccidia and Scabies Mange. Sydney had hives and needed cytopoint allergy injection. Later, Sydney had pneumonia and Bronchitis. Sydney was in oxygen and antibiotics.


Brittani RN

Puppy Brittni RN

Meet Puppy Brittni RN, 4 months 7.5 lbs White Female Maltese Poodle mix rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. The breeder surrendered the puppies as sick with Parvo. The puppies were not sick with Parvo. They were positive for Coccidia and Scabies Mange. Brittni can climb out of her pen.

Puppy Rosary RN

Puppy Rosary RN

Puppy Rosary RN

Puppy Rosary RN
Meet Puppy Rosary, 10 weeks old 3 lbs Black & Brown Female Poodle rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter.The breeder surrendered the puppies as sick with Parvo. The puppies were not sick with Parvo. They were positive for Coccidia and Scabies Mange. Rosary has hind leg issues as she waking on her toes. Rosary is recovering from Upper Respiratory infection.

Puppy Franklin MD

Puppy Franklin MD

Puppy Franklin MD

Puppy Franklin MD
Meet Puppy Franklin MD, 10 weeks old 3 lbs Black & Silver Male Shih Tzu Yorkie mix rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. The breeder surrendered the puppies as sick with Parvo. The puppies were not sick with Parvo. They were positive for Coccidia and Scabies Mange. Franklin had hind leg issues but resolved with better health. He is recovering from upper respiratory infection.

Puppy Brandi RN

Puppy Brandi RN

Puppy Brandi RN

Puppy Brandi RN
Meet Puppy Brandi, 12 weeks old 3.5 lbs Apricot Female Poodle mix rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter.The breeder surrendered the puppies as sick with Parvo. The puppies were not sick with Parvo. They were positive for Coccidia and Scabies Mange. Brandi is recovering from upper respiratory infection.

Puppy King Arthur

Puppy King Arthur

Puppy King Arthur

Puppy King Arthur
Meet Puppy King Arthur, 8 week old Apricot Maltipoo rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter with PARVO. Three puppies were left in a box on a curb marked Parvo. Two of the puppies died. King Arthur is healthy. He is a little scared of bigger dogs. He is playful and happy.

Puppy London & Paris

Puppy London & Paris

Puppy London

Puppy London & Paris
Meet Puppy London, 8 week old 7 lbs Female Dachshund Labrador mix rescued from Chesterfield South Los Angeles Shelter. The girls are strong and healthy. London will need xrays of her hind leg when she is older as she may have luxating patella.




Meet Margarita, 5 year old 10 lbs Mini Wheaten Terrier mix rescued from the streets of Mexico. Margarita looks like she had a few litters, now she is spayed. She had a small deformed eye which has been removed. She teeth have been cleaned.



Aries Shelter intake

Meet Aries, 11 month old 15 lbs Schnauzer Terrier mix rescued from Chesterfield SLA Shelter. Aries was possibly hit by car with road rash and slight head trauma. She is recovering. Aries is a very sweet active puppy. She would do great with a family with older kids.



Lizzy Shelter

Meet Lizzy, 10 year old 12 lbs Blind Maltese Yorkie mix rescued from West Los Angeles Shelter. Lizzy had been rescued from the shelter when she was 2 yrs old 8 lbs. SK9Lplus was contacted and agree to help the senior dog. Later we found out that she was obese at 16 lbs and blind. Lizzy is on a diet and lost 4 lbs. She has a Muffin's Halo for Blind Dogs.
Medical assistant by Second Chances for Blind Dogs

Sean 007

Sean 007


Sean 007
Meet Sean 007, 4 lbs 10 yr old Maltese rescued from Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. Sean's family surrendered him because he had heart issues. Sean received xrays and bloodwork. The xray's showed his enlarged heart. His bloodwork is fine. Sean is on Pimobendan (Vetmedin) and Hydrocodone/Homat for his cough. Medical assistance by Second Chances for Blind Dogs




Meet Trinity, 7 yr old 6.9 lbs Poodle mix rescued from Chesterfield South Los Angeles Shelter. Trinity's hind legs have atrophied as she walks with her two front legs. Trinity has two large mammary mass which she will need a mastectomy. Trinity will be getting a rear Ruff Rollin wheelchair sponsored by Mango on a Mission.
Video 1. Video 2 Video 3
Medical assistance by Hogan Foundation
adoption only in Southern CA



Brady Shelter

Meet Brady, 3.5 month old 3.5 lbs Morkie mix surrendered to Los Angeles East Valley Shelter. Brady had a severe respiratory infection and parasites. Brady received antibiotic injection, PCR test, xrays and was kept in oxygen with gentamicin nebulizer. He is being treated for Giardia and Coccidia. Once Brady is feeling better, he will be microchipped and vaccinated.



Asher Moreno Valley Shelter

Meet Asher, 3 yr old 5 lbs Long Haired Chihuahua rescued from Moreno Valley Shelter. Asher is a young playful dog. Asher had kennel cough for 2 weeks which was treated with antibiotics. Asher is seeing the vet for slight upper respiratory issues. Asher fell from his foster home 9 ft balcony. He was rushed to the vet and neurologist. He was on crate rest without any broken bones.




Meet Camilla, 5 months old female blind Cocker Terrier mix about 18 lbs rescued from the streets of Mexico. Kids were throwing rocks at 3 month old Camilla. She hurt her paw and a Good Samaritan saved her off the streets. Camilla's right eye was never developed and the left eye is under developed. Camilla is being treated for Erichia Anaplasma from ticks, Giardia and Coccidia. Camilla is very sweet and playful as she is great with people. She is fine with other dogs except when she is eating. Camilla is fitted for a Muffin's Halo for Blind Dogs. You would never know she is blind.
Thank you to Second Chances for Blind Dogs for helping with Camilla's medical expenses.




Meet Layla, 4 month old 20 lbs Shephard mix rescued from Mexico. Layla's mama died when they were babies. Layla looks like a Black Mouth Cur Dog. Layla was treated for Anaplasma from ticks, Giardia and Coccidia. Layla is afraid of people but is fine with other dogs. Layla will need a home that will give her time to trust. We recommend no small children.




Meet Lola, 4 month old 20 lbs Shephard mix rescued from Mexico. Lola's mama died when they were babies. Lola looks like a Black Mouth Cur Dog. Lola was treated for Anaplasma from ticks, Giardia and Coccidia. Lola is loving and playful with everyone including dogs. Lola's adoption include medical vetting, spay, microchip and vaccinations.

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Gracie when she was bought a year ago.

Amazing Grace
Meet Amazing Grace, 6.5 lbs 1 yr old ShiTzu Yorkie mix, rescued from neglect. Gracie was a beautiful puppy when her family got her. Gracie lived in a crate, not always getting food and no medical care. Her family surrendered her to the vet hospital, where she was examined. Her eyes had ruptured and had to be removed. She had NOT been feed in 2 days. Amazing Grace is being loved in her foster home, fed 3 times a day and getting medical baths. Gracie loves to be held and takes time to explore.



Alisa Shelter




Savanna at Chesterfield SLA Shelter


Lady Bug

Lady Bug Prolapse Rectum

Lady Bug at Lancaster Shelter

Lady Bug
Meet Alisa, 10 yr old 10 lbs Maltese rescued from Chesterfield SLA Shelter. Alisa has severe dental disease, tested positive for giardia, and has urinary issues. Alisa was treated for Giardia. She has urinary test and culture done which came clean. Alisa has been seen for ultrasound of her bladder, bloodwork and dental treatment. Alisa is spayed and had her spleen removed. Thank you to Second Chances for Blind Dogs for helping Alisa's medical fund.
Meet 4 yr old Yorkie mix rescued from Chesterfield South LA Shelter. Savanna had a prolapse eye which had to be removed. She is very sweet and gentle Yorkie. Savanna is spayed and scheduled for a dental cleaning. Savanna's adoption include eye surgery, spay, microchip and up to date vaccines.
Meet Lady Bug, 8 yr old 3 lbs Chihuahua rescued from LA County Lancaster Shelter. Lady Bug had a huge prolapse rectum which the shelter did 3 surgeries to correct. After the final surgery from the shelter, Lady Bug's rectum prolapsed and needed a 4th surgery. She is healing and we are praying that this is the final surgery. Lady Bug's adoption include her prolapse rectum surgery, spay, microchip and vaccines.



Puppy Thatcher

Meet Puppy Thatcher, 12 week old 4 lbs Morkie Mix rescued from LA County Downey Shelter after his owner surrendered him. The shelter thought the puppy had toxicity from unknown source. Thatcher is walking and running. Thatcher may have Hydrocephalaus. He does have neurologic issues like cerebellar hyperplasia. Bloodwork was done and Thatcher was seen by Dr ONeille at Mash.
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